Thursday, October 15, 2015

How to: Hijackware - how to remove it


It's a term used for the nastiest and cruelest type of

 malware program. It alters your computer's browser settings so that 

you are redirected to Web sites that you had no intention of visiting. 

Sometimes it will appear that you have a virus, however your system is actually 
This threat shows up in the form of ‘Fake’ antivirus software and you won't be able to 
remove it until you click the link and download the product.

Hijackware advertisement

“Fake Antivirus” software is somewhat difficult to remove, but it can be done.

Here are the steps I recommend.

1. First boot into Safe Mode Using Network Connection (CTL-F8). this will 


 background processes from starting keep the adware/hijack ware from starting as 


2. Get online and download and install 


This is a very good anti-spyware/malware program which will remove the 

hijackware from your hard drive directory as well as remove the entries from the 


3. Install the Malwarebytes program and run a FULL system scan. (the average 

time takes 20-40 min depending on your system)

4. After the scan has finished, click "Show Results", then click "Remove Selected"

5. After you have removed the hijackware, you'll have to restart you computer. 

Afterwards I would recommend downloading and installing AVG, Avira or another 

Antivirus software as well.