Sunday, December 27, 2015

A cool gadget for Star Wars fans

With the release of the new Star Wars movie "The Force Awakens" there are some self professed geeks who have designed their own light sabers. "Styropro", a Youtube guy who dives heavily into laser technology has devised a 7W 'lightsaber".
Now 7 watts may not sound powerful, but it can burn through wire and other household objects. He's also working on making a "laser bazooka" that will combine multiple 40w lasers for even a bigger punch.

Thursday, December 3, 2015

How to: Windows 10 Settings Menu

With each version of Windows it seems Microsoft is phasing out the Control Panel and replacing it with the beautifully easy to access Settings Menu in Windows 10. Accessing the menu is simple. It resides in the Start Menu right about the Power button.

Windows 10's Settings menu will look somewhat familiar to Windows 8.1 users. Remember the Charm Bar? That side bar you could access on the right side of the screen. Settings was accessible then. This is a more robust version of the Settings charm.

In the new Settings menu, you'll find some familiar prompts: System, Devices, Network & Internet, Personalization, Accounts, Time & language, Ease of Access, Privacy, and Update & security

The first thing I usually check is the specs of the computer. To do this simply click System, then About.

Another section you may want to consider is Apps & Features. It's here where you can uninstall programs and apps.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

How to: Accessing Windows 10 power menu

Everyone likes a good secret. 

Well Microsoft decided to place a nice secret menu into Windows 10. 
Essentially a power menu with easy access to all sorts of goodies like the Control Panel, Display Options, Command Prompt and Task Manager.

To access this sweet power menu simply move your cursor to the Start Menu icon and right click.