Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Ninite - Install multiple free software versions with one click

Don't want to hassle with downloading the latest browser, online storage, messaging and antivirus, and spending forever with installing that software on your PC?

Ninite is an excellent solution for downloading and installing multiple free programs in one single click.
It allows users to make a selection from a list of applications and bundles the selection into a single installer package.

Applications are installed from their respective official websites, ensuring you receive the latest official versions. Any adware that is optional on downloading is ignored and blocked by Ninite, using the option to deselect the adware or suspicious extensions during the installation process.

On the Ninite webpage, you select the software you need by the checkboxes and then click the custom Ninite installer at the bottom of the page.

From there the Ninite installer will download the programs you selected and you're free for other jobs.
One of the biggest benefits of Ninite is it downloads programs from their official websites, automatically checking their digital signatures or hash values to ensure they haven’t been tampered with.

It works entirely in the background, skipping any questions, ignoring prompts to reboot your PC, and automatically installing 64-bit applications on a 64-bit PC. 

Ninite works with Windows 7, 8 and 10

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